
Friday, January 13, 2012

IWB Music Going Social

IWB Music is now on Google+Facebook, and Twitter, and is ready to share great interactive music resources!  You can add +IWB Music to your circles by pressing the link here:

While you're on the page, you can also press the +1 button if you like something I have posted, or the "Share this page" button if you'd like to share it with your circles.  Those buttons will look like this:

If you like fun resources to use in your classroom, then you should also "like" IWB Music on Facebook.  Simply press the "like" button below, and feel free to press the share button to spread these great ideas!

Finally, you can keep up with all things new on IWB Music through my Twitter feed.  Press the button below to follow @WEBraune.

IWB Music is all about sharing great ideas, so have fun making and sharing music!


  1. Would you be interested in swapping buttons? I see you don't have one yet but they are super easy to make. I followed a simple tutorial to make mine.


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